
Here at Park Place, we value the connections that can be built within our adult ministries. We offer a range of options that you could choose from, in case there is one that fits best with your schedule. We would love for you to get plugged in and join one of our programs!


Small groups offer deepening relationships with God and one another! Opportunities to share needs, pray together, serve, and grow spiritually are present also. Most of our Sunday School classes (meeting at 9 a.m. on Sunday mornings) offer these dynamics and all of them welcome new participants. In addition, small groups related to grief recovery and more meet regularly. To learn more, please contact the church office.


CROSSROADS, Sundays, 9-10 a.m.

Meets in Room 138 (first floor, church conference room)
Book-based studies introduce a variety of themes for discussion and interaction. This inter-generational class welcomes a diversity of viewpoints. It is a great setting for first time visitors. Contact: Janet Brewer

FAITH & JUSTICE, Sundays, 9-10 a.m.

Meets in Room 134
Connect with God and others through an exploration of spiritual formation, faith,
and biblical justice. A Sunday morning option for community-minded participants to wrestle with what it means to live faithfully in an issue bound world. Contact: Nic Don Stanton-Roark

truthfinders, Sundays, 9-10 a.m.

Come into an inquisitive, caring, and fun-loving environment with active seniors exploring a broad range of topics. These combine both Bible study and a variety of speakers to spark discussion. Contact: Clyde Harting or Kay Schlafer.


A small group experience of expressing and sharing acts of worship through singing and prayer. Sanctuary Choir also shares in worship leadership several Sundays each season.

Meets Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm in the Sanctuary


When we allow music, writing, painting, dance, photography, drama . . . all art forms to engage honest seekers in a relationship with God. We hope the un-capturable character of the Creator is more fully known, and can be more fully lived. At our church, we offer opportunities for you to share your artistic talent through worship team and band, technical team, fine arts, and choir. To learn more, please contact the church office.


TUEsdays, 6-7:30 p.m.

Meets in the Fellowship Hall
Griefshare is a special 13-week seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Anyone is welcome to attend who has experienced the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend.